Hyperlinks and -targets ======================= In LaTeX, we must set an explicit anchor (``\phantomsection``) for a _`hypertarget in plain text` or in a figure but not in a table title or figure caption: .. _`table label`: .. table:: Table with _`hypertarget in table title`. ===== ===== ===== False True None ===== ===== ===== .. _`figure label`: .. figure:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png Figure with _`hypertarget in figure caption`. Legend with _`hypertarget in figure legend`. .. _`image label`: .. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png See `hypertarget in plain text`_, `table label`_, `hypertarget in table title`_, `nested table`_, `figure label`_, `hypertarget in figure caption`_, `hypertarget in figure legend`_, and `image label`_.