#!/usr/bin/env python # Author: Guenter Milde # Contact: # Revision: $Revision: 5304 $ # Date: $Date: 2007-06-28 17:42:01 +0200 (Do, 28. Jun 2007) $ # Copyright: Licensed under the Academic Free License version 1.2 """ Front end to the Docutils Publisher, producing HTML not requiring a CSS stylesheet. """ import sys try: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: pass from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description # Prepend parent dir to the PYTHONPATH # (This is a hack to get rst2html_trans.py working without install, # not needed if the html4trans.py module is installed in the PYTHONPATH) sys.path.insert(0, '..') from html4trans import Writer description = ('Generates (X)HTML documents from standalone reStructuredText ' 'sources that do not require a CSS stylesheet. ' + default_description) # no CSS stylesheet needed, so do not include (referencing does not harm) overrides = {'embed_stylesheet': False} publish_cmdline(writer=Writer(), settings_overrides=overrides, description=description)