#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup LONG_DESCRIPTION = """\ DocFactory is a wxPython-GUI for Docutils. It is distributed as a subpackage of Docutils (docutils.factory). The main front-end (docfactory.py) is installed as a "script". After installation you should find it in the scripts-directory of your Python environment. System requirements: * Python 2.1.1 or later (http://www.python.org). * wxPython or later (http://wxpython.org). Be sure to get the build matching the version of Python you're using. * Docutils 0.2.2 or later (http://docutils.sourceforge.net). Use the CVS snapshot. """ def do_setup(): dist = setup( name = 'DocFactory', description = 'wxPython-GUI for Docutils', long_description = LONG_DESCRIPTION, url = ('http://docutils.sourceforge.net/sandbox/gschwant/' 'docfactory/'), version = '0.2', author = 'Dr. Gunnar Schwant', author_email = 'g.schwant@gmx.de', license = 'BSD (see LICENSE.txt)', packages = ['docutils.factory'], package_dir = {'docutils.factory': 'factory'}, scripts = ['docfactory.py']) return dist if __name__ == '__main__' : do_setup()