.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo. ================================ reStructuredText Test Document ================================ .. Above is the document title, and below is the subtitle. They are transformed from section titles after parsing. -------------------------------- Examples of Syntax Constructs -------------------------------- .. bibliographic fields (which also require a transform): :Author: David Goodger :Address: 123 Example Street Example, EX Canada A1B 2C3 :Contact: goodger@users.sourceforge.net :Authors: Me; Myself; I :organization: humankind :date: $Date: 2003-08-16 09:03:08 +0200 (Sa, 16. Aug 2003) $ :status: This is a "work in progress" :revision: $Revision: 1631 $ :version: 1 :copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. You may do with it as you wish. You may copy, modify, redistribute, reattribute, sell, buy, rent, lease, destroy, or improve it, quote it at length, excerpt, incorporate, collate, fold, staple, or mutilate it, or do anything else to it that your or anyone else's heart desires. :field name: This is a generic bibliographic field. :field name 2: Generic bibliographic fields may contain multiple body elements. Like this. :Dedication: For Docutils users & co-developers. :abstract: This is a test document, containing at least one example of each reStructuredText construct. .. meta:: :keywords: reStructuredText, test, parser :description lang=en: A test document, containing at least one example of each reStructuredText construct. .. contents:: Table of Contents .. section-numbering:: Structural Elements =================== Section Title ------------- That's it, the text just above this line.