.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo. ================================ reStructuredText Test Document ================================ .. Above is the document title, and below is the subtitle. They are transformed from section titles after parsing. -------------------------------- Examples of Syntax Constructs -------------------------------- .. bibliographic fields (which also require a transform): Structural Elements =================== Section Title ------------- That's it, the text just above this line. Transitions ----------- Here's a transition: --------- It divides the section. Body Elements ============= Paragraphs ---------- A paragraph. Inline Markup ````````````` Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, `interpreted text`, ``inline literals``, standalone hyperlinks (http://www.python.org), external hyperlinks (Python_), internal cross-references (example_).