"""\ PDF renderer for the aafigure package. (C) 2008 Chris Liechti """ import sys import reportlab from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.graphics.shapes import * from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF class PDFOutputVisitor: """Render a list of shapes as PDF vector image.""" def __init__(self, file_like, scale = 1, line_width = 1, foreground= (0, 0, 0), background = (255, 255, 255), fillcolor = (0, 0, 0), proportional = False ): self.file_like = file_like self.scale = 3.33*scale self.line_width = 0.4*line_width self.foreground = foreground self.background = background self.fillcolor = fillcolor if proportional: self.font = 'Helvetica' else: self.font = 'Courier' def _num(self, number): """helper to format numbers with scale for PDF output""" return number*self.scale def _color(self, color): r,g,b = color return colors.HexColor('#%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b)) def visit_image(self, aa_image): """Process the given ASCIIArtFigure and output the shapes in the PDF file """ self.aa_image = aa_image # save for later XXX not optimal to do it here self.width = (aa_image.width)*aa_image.nominal_size*aa_image.aspect_ratio self.height = (aa_image.height)*aa_image.nominal_size self.drawing = Drawing(self._num(self.width), self._num(self.height)) self.visit_shapes(aa_image.shapes) renderPDF.drawToFile(self.drawing, self.file_like, '') def visit_shapes(self, shapes): for shape in shapes: shape_name = shape.__class__.__name__.lower() visitor_name = 'visit_%s' % shape_name if hasattr(self, visitor_name): getattr(self, visitor_name)(shape) else: sys.stderr.write("WARNING: don't know how to handle shape %r\n" % shape) # - - - - - - PDF drawing helpers - - - - - - - def _line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, thick): """Draw a line, coordinates given as four decimal numbers""" self.drawing.add(Line( self._num(x1), self._num(self.height-y1), self._num(x2), self._num(self.height-y2), strokeColor=self._color(self.foreground), strokeWidth=self.line_width*(1+0.5*bool(thick)) )) def _rectangle(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, style=''): """Draw a rectangle, coordinates given as four decimal numbers.""" if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 if y1 > y2: y1, y2 = y2, y1 self.drawing.add(Rect( self._num(x1), self._num(self.height-y2), self._num(x2-x1), self._num(y2-y1), fillColor=self._color(self.fillcolor), strokeWidth=self.line_width )) # - - - - - - visitor function for the different shape types - - - - - - - def visit_point(self, point): self.drawing.add(Circle( self._num(point.x), self._num(self.height-point.y), self._num(0.2), fillColor=self._color(self.foreground), strokeWidth=self.line_width )) def visit_line(self, line): x1, x2 = line.start.x, line.end.x y1, y2 = line.start.y, line.end.y self._line(x1, y1, x2, y2, line.thick) def visit_rectangle(self, rectangle): self._rectangle( rectangle.p1.x, rectangle.p1.y, rectangle.p2.x, rectangle.p2.y ) def visit_circle(self, circle): self.drawing.add(Circle( self._num(circle.center.x), self._num(self.height-circle.center.y), self._num(circle.radius), fillColor=self._color(self.foreground), strokeWidth=self.line_width )) def visit_label(self, label): # font-weight="bold" style="stroke:%s" self.drawing.add(String( self._num(label.position.x), self._num(self.height-label.position.y), label.text, fontSize=self._num(self.aa_image.nominal_size), fontName=self.font, fillColor=self._color(self.foreground), )) def visit_group(self, group): # XXX could add a group to the PDF file self.visit_shapes(group.shapes)